Market Reports
- Market reports for public markets are accessible whether or not you log into the markets. To access market reports after you log in, use the Market Information button. To access reports without logging in, access the main IEM Markets page.
Price History
- Price history contains information about daily market prices and activity. Histories report information for each 24-hour daily period (from midnight to midnight). This information includes:
- Best ask (at midnight)
- Best bid (at midnight)
- Last traded price (before midnight)
- Volume traded (in the 24-hour period)
- Dollar volume traded (in the 24-hour period)
To access the Price History on the IEM website, select Markets in the menu bar at the top of the screen, then Current Markets. Then select the market you are interested in. Under the heading Overview, click on the hypertext for the market overview. Then scroll to the bottom of the Market Overview page to the Price History section. Specify the month and year you want to see the price history for and click Submit.
Current Quotes
- The current quote screen reports the most recent best bid, best ask, and last trade price for the market you have selected. If you are logged in, these are real-time quotes. If you are not logged in, quotes are reported with up to a 15-minute lag.
If you are logged in and your browser is configured for automatic refresh, the quote screen will refresh every 15 seconds.
Remember: you control your browser’s configuration. Your browser’s documentation is the best place to learn more about the characteristics and capabilities of your specific browser.
To access the current quotes on the IEM website, select Markets in the menu bar at the top of the screen, then Current Markets. Then select the market you are interested in. Under the heading Overview, click on the hypertext for the market overview. Then scroll down until you get to Quotes.
- The rules for a specific market are described in the market’s prospectus. The prospectus describes the assets traded in the market, the rules of trade for the market, how liquidation values will be determined, and who can trade in the market.
To access a market’s prospectus on the IEM website, select Markets from the menu bar then Current Markets. Then select the market you are interested in. Scroll down to the Prospectus headline and select the hypertext for the Prospectus you are interested in.
Do not trade in a market unless you have read and understood the market’s prospectus.