About the IEMXchange

The Iowa Electronic Markets uses  IEMXchange (formerly WebExchange) Trading software as its trading mechanism. The IEMXchange Trading System software has been developed by Professors Joyce E. Berg and Forrest D. Nelson at the University of Iowa Tippie College of Business as part of an ongoing research project.

We have been assisted by two very able programmers: Anshu Boonapali and David Alber. Each of them made major contributions to the project, and with humor and patience.

In 2015/16 the IEMXchange software was completely re-written with modern development software and practices. The re-write was accomplished by the University of Iowa’s Custom Solutions and Integration team. Special thanks to Andrew Rinner, Ben McCune and Jeremy Domrock.

These web pages and the trading system they invoke are for your use during trading sessions. They are copyrighted materials which may not be copied or used for other purposes without the direct written consent of the owners. Your use of this trading system is your implied agreement to these terms.


Comments and questions about the IEMXchange software (as distinct from the markets that operate using this system) are welcome. Please use our online form to leave feedback.