Iowa Electronic Markets Tippie College of Business University of Iowa Description of price file for 1992 Democratic Nomination Market ------------------------------------ RECORD FORMAT (one record per line): Market day Date Symbol Total Quantity Dollar Volume Low Price High Price Average Price Last Price (prices of -1 indicate no transactions that day) ------------------------------------------------------------------ # SYMBOL DESCRIPTION LIQUIDATION VALUE --- DEM PRESIDENTIAL NOMINATION MARKET --- 6 TSON Paul Tsongas (Mass.) 1$ if nominated, else $0 7 HARK Tom Harkin (Iowa) 1$ if nominated, else $0 8 CLIN Bill Clinton (Ark.) 1$ if nominated, else $0 9 KERR Bob Kerrey (Neb.) 1$ if nominated, else $0 10 BROW Jerry Brown (Calif.) 1$ if nominated, else $0 11 RoF Rest of Democratic Field 1$ if nominated, else $0 ------------------------------------------------------------------ Dates for the opening and closing of markets and added securities. Market Open Close ------------------- -------- -------- Dem. Nom. Market 01/09/92 07/16/92