About IEM

The Iowa Electronic Markets are operated by faculty at the University of Iowa Henry B. Tippie College of Business as part of our research and teaching mission. These markets are small-scale, real-money futures markets where contract payoffs depend on economic and political events such as elections.

We, and many of our colleagues at other institutions, use the markets in classes as a pedagogical tool. We have found them to be an excellent way to focus attention and give hands-on experience with real-world markets.

As a research tool, the markets provide us with an unparalleled laboratory in which we can study individual trading behavior as well as market level performance.

The quality of our data is improved by interested traders participating in the markets. We invite you to join us in our research and teaching mission.

For additional information about our markets, please use the menu on the left.

You can also read an overview of the IEM project provided in an August 28, 1995, Wall Street Journal article reproduced on our webserver courtesy of the Wall Street Journal.