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Market Information: DCONV20

** You must read the prospectus before trading **

Name: DCONV20
Description:   2020 Democratic Convention Nomination WTA Market
Open Date: 01/10/20 11:00:00
Close Date: 08/19/20 11:59:00

Name Description
JBID_N20$1.00 if Joe Biden wins the nomination; $0.00 otherwise
PBUT_N20$1.00 if Pete Buttigieg wins the nomination; $0.00 otherwise
AKLO_N20$1.00 if Amy Klobuchar wins the nomination; $0.00 otherwise
BSAN_N20$1.00 if Bernie Sanders wins the nomination; $0.00 otherwise
EWAR_N20$1.00 if Elizabeth Warren wins the nomination; $0.00 otherwise
DROF_N20$1.00 if another candidate wins the 2020 Democratic Convention nomination; $0.00 otherwise

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