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Market Information: FLSen10_VS

** You must read the prospectus before trading **

Name: FLSen10_VS
Description:   2010 Florida U.S. Senate Vote Share Market
Open Date: 06/07/10 11:00:00
Close Date: Market is open

Name Description
Crist_VS$1 times the vote share received by Charlie Crist in the 2010 Florida U.S. Senate election provided that he is not the Democratic or Republican nominee
FLDem_VS$1 times the vote share received by the Democratic nominee in the 2010 Florida U.S. Senate election
FLRep_VS$1 times the vote share received by the Republican nominee in the 2010 Florida U.S. Senate election
FLOth_VS$1 times the vote share received by all other candidates in the 2010 Florida U.S. Senate election who are not included in another contract in this market

Name BundleType Price Net Issued   Description

(current as of 16:01:42 CST, Saturday, February 8, 2025)
Symbol Bid Ask Last Low High Average
Crist_VS0.0000.0000.300- - -- - -- - -
FLDem_VS0.0000.0000.200- - -- - -- - -
FLRep_VS0.0000.0000.542- - -- - -- - -
FLOth_VS0.0000.0000.015- - -- - -- - -

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